
Arts Council England East: Offers advice on lottery funding.

Arts Development Officers: Each district in Suffolk has a designated officer responsible for arts development. To find out who your officer is, please click on Suffolk Arts: Local Authority Contacts (96KB)

Charity Commission: The national body, providing information on setting up as a charity and on-line support and advice.

Enyan: A membership body designed to create connections throughout the diverse youth arts sector and raise the profile and support for youth arts within England.

Home Grown: Inspires and equips people and communities to make exciting arts events happen across Suffolk.

Museum Development Manager for  professional advice on museum development, contact Lyn Gash (  01473 265241

Safechild: A charity dedicated to child protection, it can provide all your child protection needs including training, CRB checks and child protection policies and procedures.

SAVO: Provides Suffolk’s voluntary and community sector with tools, resources and relevant information to help them operate successfully.

Suffolk Acre: Supports community groups and voluntary organisations to undertake self-help activities and enables communities to take ownership for their own well-being.

Young Suffolk: Supports around 200 children and youth organisations in Suffolk.

Voluntary Arts Network: a national organisation, providing advice and practical support to voluntary groups.